Family Vacations—Packing

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Time to pack for vacation.  Joe is in charge of the planning…I am usually in charge of the packing.  I am pretty good and I will show you.

Lori’s Top 5 Tips for Vacation Packing:

1.   Make a list.  Now that my girls are older, I just make a list, photocopy it, and pass it out to everyone.  Sometimes I check to make sure they have everything…sometimes I don’t.  I can’t remember ever leaving something behind that was really important.  I used to spend a lot of time making sure that all of their cutest outfits were packed.  I’m not so fussy anymore and sometimes their outfit choices are much more fashionable than mine.  If you don’t want to make your own list, use one like this.

2.  Make do with less.  We have really lightened up on packing over the years.  The girls don’t need as much as they used to and there are always the same basics:  PJs, clean underwear and socks, a hoodie, a pair of long pants, a skirt, swimming suit, comfortable tennis shoes and cute shoes.  They can get everything they need into a carry-on size bag and I bring a bag for all of the hair and makeup stuff.  One of the delightful parts of traveling is realizing how little you really need.

3.   Make a roll, not a square.  Joe read a tip a few years ago about rolling your clothes when you pack, and we have rolled ever since.  Your clothes get less wrinkled and you can fit more in your suitcase.  Allison used this method when she traveled to Europe with her family, and she loved it, too.

4.   Make sure you bring the essentials.  A few years ago, Joe and I were on a cruise and I unexpectedly started my period.  The ship was completely out of any period products…I mean completely out!  And we weren’t docking for a couple of days.  Luckily we were traveling with some friends and they came prepared.  Most of the time when we travel, we can just run to the store if we forget something, but not always.

5.   Make room for some of your favorites.  I have to travel with reading material!  I will leave home my favorite pair of shoes before I will leave home books and magazines.  My Kindle has made this so much easier.  Joe won’t leave home without his bag of photography supplies and my girls have to have their Ipods…so do I as a matter of fact.  There are always a few things that make traveling more enjoyable, like licorice, People magazine, a water bottle, chapstick, gum, and an Ipod.  Leave room for the little things that make your vacation feel like a vacation.

Happy packing!

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