Healthy Changes—Protect those Ta-tas!

Image of a Breast Cancer Cell

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  It is time for all of us ladies to visit the doctor, schedule our mammograms, and protect our ta-tas and our lives. 

In case you think you are too young for this, let me share a story.  My son-in-law’s cousin was diagnosed with breast cancer and shared her story on the internet.  As a result, his sister-in-law did a self-exam, found a lump, and had it biopsied.  It was cancerous.  She had both of her breasts removed yesterday, as well as several lymph nodes.  She is 28.

In case you think you don’t have time or money, let me share another story.  My sister-in-law was aware of a lump in her breast for quite some time, but her husband was between jobs and she was waiting until they had good health insurance.  He got a new job and insurance and she was examined within the week.  Her lump was also cancerous, but too close to her heart for surgery.  After very aggressive chemotherapy and radiation to shrink the tumor, her cancer had spread.  She died within a year of diagnosis.  She was 52.  I miss her…so do her three children and her three grandchildren that were born after she died.

I scheduled my doctor’s appointment last month and I will happily willingly get that mammogram.  I hope you will, too.

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