The Weekend Changes


I am enjoying an extra long weekend with an extra two days off school and the most beautiful fall weather you can imagine.  Joe decided at the last minute to head south to St. George, UT, to visit his parents and he took Daughters Three and Four with him.  That means I am at the house with only Daughter Two who is a very social 17 year-old and busy at her job.  I have been so excited about it that I spent the first 4 hours running in circles running what to do with all of my free time.  I had planned on a momentous amount of yard work, but with everyone gone I decided it was time to put on my project hat.  I LOVE finishing design projects and I have about a million lined up, so I embarked on painting an old dresser and that snowballed into an entire redo of Halle’s bedroom. 

It has been a bit of a disaster!  I have been to Home Depot every day since Wednesday, and that involves 40 mins. of driving time and a chunk of cash.  I primed the dresser with latex paint, creating a big goopy mess.  Apparently, you cannot put latex primer over oil-based stain.  Good to know…I wish I knew that 4 days ago.  (Ironically, before I started painting, I skimmed a blog where a woman had the exact same problem, but I skimmed so it didn’t register.)  I finally chose a gray paint, put it on the walls, and it was too dark.  Back to Home Depot to have it lightened, but it didn’t really work so I concocted my own mix and it is much better.  All the running around means I get to the actual work at about 9 p.m. and I’m up until 3 a.m. and not one thing is finished.  At this exact moment, I have citrus stripper on the dresser and drawers and spackle drying on the walls.  For me, Sunday is a day of rest, so I would love to have everything wrapped up today, but it is not going to happen.   I will be back at it on Monday.

And remember that I am here with only Daughter Two who is never home?  Well, Wednesday night after the football game, she and her fellow cheerleaders had a sleepover here; last night was a teenage party with about 20 kids, and currently my niece and nephews are in the basement watching the BYU football game.  I’ve decided I like having all of these kids around, and I can still happily work on my projects.

I did have a lovely visit to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple yesterday with Riley, my parents, my sister, and some nieces and nephews.  After lunch together, Riley and I did a bit of shopping and I was as happy about my new power sander as Riley was about her new jeans. 

A lot of information so I will quit rambling now and leave you with some of my favorite changes from this week.

10 Changes to Enjoy this Weekend…

1.   Life Changes:  Another great Life List.
2.   Things Change:  Make a rug from tape.
3.   Things Change:  A beautiful dresser redo.
4.   Design Changes:  I loved these Watercolor Portraits so much that I bought this one.
5.   Design Changes:  Real Life Home No. 11.
6.   Money Changes:  Household Savings by Mama Pea.
7.   Thrifty Changes:  Fabulous Thrifting Tips.
8.   Happy Change:  I’m so excited about Courtney's Big Announcement!
9.   Healthy Changes:  October 24th is National Food Day.
10.  Inspiration…I loved this article and the change in direction that Laura took.  I was especially inspired by these words:

You see, I’d recently committed to a non-negotiable understanding with myself. I’d committed to “The End of Suffering.” I’d finally managed to exile the voices in my head that told me my personal happiness was only as good as my outward success, rooted in things that were often outside my control. I’d seen the insanity of that equation and decided to take responsibility for my own happiness. And I mean all of it.

Have a lovely weekend fully of lovely changes.

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