Simply Christmas

Image at Basic Label Sweden

Welcome to the final week before Christmas.  For us, this usually means we are busy, busy, busy…wrapping, shopping, baking, delivering, partying, cleaning, enjoying.  It also means a bit of stress and a very tired mom.

This year, we are keeping Christmas simple and it feels nice!  I’m not sure what I’ve actually eliminated…I think I’ve just pulled things back a little.  Simpler decorations, wrapping, gifts, and food mean more time to just enjoy things like music and lights and candles and snow.  It also means more time to focus on the real meaning of Christmas…more on that later this week.

Today, we are turning on a Christmas movie, crafting a few more gifts, and sipping ginger ale.  Nothing fancy, just simple.  I love this time of year!

*In case you are interested in the ongoing dental saga, I had another emergency oral surgery on Friday.  This time it was my long-forgotten wisdom tooth and I suspect that has been the problem all along.  I am bruised and swollen and sore and now the pain medication (hence the lack of stress) has gotten to my stomach and I can’t keep anything down (hence the ginger ale).  I think if I can get through today sans medication that I might survive.

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