The Weekend Changes

Image at Design is Mine

I’m still longing for snow.  We woke up to a fair amount yesterday, but the sun is out today and it is all melting away.  What happened to the winters of crazy amounts of snow?  I think this year I would settle for just a normal amount, but I’m not sure what that is anymore.  Winter has definitely changed around here.

I’m writing this post while participating in a live talk on The Motherhood.  It is all about the 2012 Alt Design Summit.  I am definitely going next year…who is in?  I think you can view this talk later…I’m going to check out all of the great links.

While I’m making my plans and budget for Alt, here are some changes for you to enjoy…

*A Visual Personality Test…a great way to Get to Know YOU.
*Ben Silbermann's keynote speech at Alt…founder of Pinterest.
*Live Writer is the best way to blog.
*A healthy Weekend Snack…and a Cute and Healthy Snack.
*I’m still working on Organization Changes.
*Valentines Day Date Dresses.
*Inspiration…Deep Beauty.

Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy life’s little changes!

1 comment:

  1. That personality test got me spot on! So cool :) I found myself laughing at the truth of the situation.
