Cucumber Mint Lemon Water

Image at Rikki Snyder Photography

I have a confession…I hate water.  I think it is boring, tasteless, and no fun at all!  But I also realize how important it is for a healthy body, and I definitely feel better when I’m drinking enough water.  So, a healthy change I’ve been trying lately…Cucumber Mint Lemon Water.  It adds some fun, flavor, and good health to my 8+ daily glasses.  According to this blog, though, there are 5 other reasons you should drink lemon water every morning: 

*It balances pH
*It keeps skin clear and glowing!
*It kick starts the digestive system
*It helps with weight loss
*It helps control the coffee habit…I don’t drink coffee, but I’m using it to help me kick the diet soda habit.


Also known as Sassy Water, it is connected to the flat belly diet and weight loss.  I don’t think I’ve been drinking it long enough to notice any significant weight loss, but I’ve definitely been taking more bathroom breaks.  It is also a great way for me to use my mint crop that is already filling my front flower bed. 

My strongest motivation, though, is breaking my diet soda habit, again, and drinking more water.  And it is working!  Sometimes I add some Pellegrino and a splash of cranberry juice to make it fizzy and fun.

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