Happiness Commandment #2—All You Need is Love.

imgfavBe Kind: for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.This is so, so true...and I love the tag!From the book, The Help.  super cute...Dieter F. Uchtdorf
AhVday free printable

*I think I’ve mentioned before that I am a very visual person.  It is how I experience life.  So while I was working on My Happiness Commandments, I used a lot of typography to get focused.  It was one way for me to recognize what truly resonates with me.

Happiness Commandment #2—All You Need is Love

So much of my happiness comes from love…loving myself, Joe, my girls, family, friends, people, animals, the earth.  Love is one thing that help me conquer my fears.  No matter what else, there is always love.

But, it isn’t enough to just feel love, it has to be shown.  I know I feel happier when I’m kind and loving, but sometimes it is SO HARD!  Especially, when my heart has been broken or I feel betrayed.  Not loving someone, though, makes it harder for me to feel loved, and then I’m definitely unhappy.

So I’m going to love…bigger, better, more freely, more fully.  Happiness will come with the love because it always does.


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