February--Be Happy
Image at Sugar and Dots
Some days are easier than others to feel happy. Vacation days, sunny days, relaxing days, no-problems days usually include a big dose of happiness. But most of us live in the real world that includes days of sleepiness, sickness, gray skies, and disappointment. In fact, most of our days are less than perfect. The key is being happy despite the circumstances surrounding us.
There are lots of great quotes, self-help books, and happiness mantras that advise us that if we change our attitude we will be happy…no matter what. I appreciate the reminder, but sometimes it feels like another thing to beat myself over the head with. Especially if the blue devils have got me in a chokehold.
Instead, I like to plan little moments throughout the day that I look forward to and that pull me out of the monotony and discouragement of everyday life.
*In the Morning: quiet time alone to read, ponder, pray, and plan…with a nice cup of peppermint tea.
*In the Afternoon: a lunch break to eat something good and read or watch something good…about 30 mins. of down time to get recharged.
*In the Evening: Pandora in the kitchen with a candle and something cold to drink while I fix dinner.
*Anytime I can fit it in: a creative project.
If I’m consistent about little things like this, I’m much happier. Also, I always have something to look forward to no matter how bad things seem at the moment.
What about you…are there any little tricks you use to be happy on an ordinary day?
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