
Image at Etsy

Hello...and welcome to my blog.  My name is Lori Cartwright.  I am a reader, a writer, a runner, and a designer-want-to-be.  I love good books, good music, good food, and great vacations.  Currently, I can't get enough of  my husband, four daughters, one son-in-law, Anthropologie, blogging time, Netflix, and oranges.

I'm dealing with a lot of change in my life.  My path feels unclear and my direction uncertain. After 15 years as a full-time mom, my life is changing.  My daughters are moving up and out.    My house is 12 years old and needs some work.  My body is not as forgiving as it used to be.  I've acquired some habits and things I need to throw away.  I've got places to go, people to meet, and changes to make...and I've decided to embrace it all.  

That is what this blog is about, reveling in change:  food, design, hair, fashion, stuff, perspective, motherhood, roles, challenges, health, favorites, life.  

Change is inevitable, uncomfortable, inspiring, exciting, scary, and so good!